Source code for ska_tmc_cdm.messages.mccssubarray.configure

The mccssubarray.configure module contains a Python object model for the
various structured bits of JSON given in an MCCSSubarray.Configure call.

from typing import List, Optional

__all__ = [


[docs]class StationConfiguration: """A class to hold station configuration""" def __init__(self, station_id: int): """ Initialise the station configuration. :param station_id: stations id """ self.station_id = station_id def __eq__(self, other): """ Check for equality between two station configuration objects :param other: the object to check against this object :type other: station configuration object :return: returns True if the objects are the same, else False """ if not isinstance(other, StationConfiguration): return False return self.station_id == other.station_id
[docs]class SubarrayBeamConfiguration: """A class to hold subarray beam configuration attributes""" def __init__( self, *, # force kwonly args subarray_beam_id: int, station_ids: List[int], update_rate: float, channels: List[List[int]], sky_coordinates: List[float], antenna_weights: List[float], phase_centre: List[float] ): """ Initialise the subarray beam configuration. :param subarray_beam_id: subarray beam ID :param station_ids: station IDs :param channels: channels to form subarray beam :param update_rate: frequency of new Az/El during scan :param sky_coordinates: Az/El specification with rates :param antenna_weights: antenna weights, 1 per station :param phase_centre: phase centre of subarray beam """ self.subarray_beam_id = subarray_beam_id self.station_ids = station_ids self.channels = channels self.update_rate = update_rate self.sky_coordinates = sky_coordinates self.antenna_weights = antenna_weights self.phase_centre = phase_centre def __eq__(self, other): """ Check for equality between two SubarrayBeamConfiguration objects :param other: the object to check against this object :return: returns True if the objects are the same, else False """ if not isinstance(other, SubarrayBeamConfiguration): return False return ( self.subarray_beam_id == other.subarray_beam_id and self.station_ids == other.station_ids and self.channels == other.channels and self.update_rate == other.update_rate and self.sky_coordinates == other.sky_coordinates and self.antenna_weights == other.antenna_weights and self.phase_centre == other.phase_centre )
[docs]class ConfigureRequest: """ Class to hold all subarray configuration. """ def __init__( self, *, # force kwonly args interface: Optional[str] = SCHEMA, stations: List[StationConfiguration], subarray_beams: List[SubarrayBeamConfiguration] ): """ Create a new MCCSConfiguration. :param stations: a list of station configurations :param subarray_beams: a list of subarray beam configurations """ self.interface = interface self.stations = stations self.subarray_beams = subarray_beams def __eq__(self, other): """ Check for equality between two ConfigureRequest objects :param other: the object to check against this object :return: returns True if the objects are the same, else False """ if not isinstance(other, ConfigureRequest): return False return ( self.interface == other.interface and self.stations == other.stations and self.subarray_beams == other.subarray_beams )